Hi, I’m Lisa Cee

I am a full stack developer with front end leanings. I value a strong culture of teamwork with a focus on the user experience where I can make a meaningful impact through my work.

I worked at a large public library before pivoting to tech because I saw a need for responsive and accessible software. The multitude of diverse users that I encountered at the library give me a unique perspective on creating technology with the user in mind.


Here are a few of my projects. Click on the image for more information.

Do the Woo podcast banner. Text says "#263: What is a WordPress Developer?". There are avatar images of both guests and hosts.

Do the Woo Podcast

I was a guest on the Do The Woo podcast in 2022. You can listen or read the transcript here.

Natural wood colored pencils lined up against a white background


On top of my personal blog (not too tech oriented – yet) I have done a few post on dev.to. Check them out!

Contact Lisa Cee

Auburn WA, USA
